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Make Your Own Birthday Invitations
Do you really want to make your own birthday invitations and surprise invited kids and their parent? Excellent idea! To make your own birthday invitations you’ll need letter size paper and printer.
Oh, by the way, each invitation you see on this page comes from some birthday party theme. Visit the “Best Kid Birthday Party Ideas” page to discover inspiring ideas for party decorations, game and activities.
Aha, I almost forgot. You will need one more thing to make your own birthday invitations. All our birthday party invitations are in pdf format. In order to print them you’ll need Adobe Acrobat Reader. It’s software which you can download and use it for free.
Now you are all set and just one click away from handing the custom made birthday invitation to your future guests. Look at the thumbnails of the birthday invitation templates below. Click on the picture to download the file. Open the file in Acrobat Reader. Print it. Fold the printed invitations two times so the details of the party go inside. And fill the details of the party. Congratulations!
Hey, did I say that you are absolutely can NOT make your own birthday invitations without kids. Yes, they are important fun of this process because that’s how birthday party starts – you print invitation! Best luck and best fun with your party!
Party Invitation

Strawberry Shortcake
Party Invitation

Party Invitation

Dora the Explorer
Party Invitation

Party Invitation

The Incredibles
Party Invitation

Party Invitation

Party Invitation

Sponge Bob
Party Invitation

Party Invitation

Party Invitation

First Birthday Party Invitations
Care Bears
Party Invitation

Party Invitation

Baby Einstein
Party Invitation